ENGAGE the people who want to make a difference by providing a wide variety of volunteer experiences.
Employee/Group Service Opportunities targets high-impact community service opportunities organized and managed for groups and businesses for short-term or one-day.
GetConnected is an online volunteer matching tool accessed through our website that allows organizations to post volunteer service opportunities and provides volunteers the ability to search for opportunities.
National Days of Service one-day service event on nationally recognized and celebrated service days.
The Volunteer Connection quarterly newsletter for volunteers and volunteer coordinators that features training and other opportunities of interest to volunteers and volunteer coordinators.
Youth Engagement Coalition organizations whose goal is to increase youth service by promoting opportunities, supporting nonprofits interested in engaging youth in service, and creating and incentivizing youth service.
EQUIP volunteers with the skills, tools, and relationships they need to be successful in their service efforts.
HandsOn Board Basics and Leadership Development classes that develop and strengthen board member skills.
Individual Consultations with HandsOn staff to advise those who are seeking a role in the nonprofit sector or those considering starting their nonprofit.
Project Blueprint Board Leadership Training trains members of underrepresented populations to serve on nonprofit boards and committees.
Sterling Volunteers only background check platform tailored to the specific needs of the nonprofit and service sector to make screening volunteers faster, easier, and less costly for nonprofits and volunteers themselves.
INSPIRE other volunteers to serve by recognizing the outstanding volunteers who make our community a better place to live, work, and serve.
Daily Point of Light Award is a national award for exceptional volunteers who “spark change and improve the world.”
Forsyth County Governor’s Volunteer Service Awards spring event that recognizes and celebrates the work of outstanding volunteers in Forsyth County.
President’s Volunteer Service Awards recognizes volunteers who have achieved a certain required number of hours of service over 12 months – or cumulative hours throughout a lifetime.