
Organizational Coaching

Organizational Coaching provides in-depth training and technical assistance to help nonprofits address specific challenges within their organizations.  Because this approach is tailored to the needs of each nonprofit, coaching is an effective strategy to build capacity but is often too costly for smaller, grassroots organizations–especially those led by people of color and/or serving historically marginalized and underserved populations.  The goal of this program is to address disparities by prioritizing smaller nonprofits led by and serving a majority of people of color with access to the skills and knowledge needed to fully realize their mission while building their capacity to compete for funding and remain sustainable.

Coaching is available in the areas listed below. Interested nonprofits can identify three areas for coaching; however, only one area will be awarded.  Nonprofits participating in the program will be assigned a coach who will work with them for up to twenty-five hours. Together, the coach and nonprofit will identify two deliverables to be achieved during the coaching engagement.  While coaches provide guidance, training, and technical assistance; participating nonprofits are expected to work alongside the coach to brainstorm and resolve issues that will embed new knowledge or systems within the organization.

Board Development.  Strengthen overall board governance and development.  Activities might include: developing board recruitment strategies; defining board member roles and responsibilities; establishing well-functioning boards and board committees; creating board governance policies; increasing board engagement; developing relationships between the board and staff; and, creating diverse boards.

Financial Management.  Establish and assess current financial policies, practices, and reporting systems.  Activities might include: creating a realistic budget; analyzing basic financial reports; creating a financial dashboard; complying with state and federal laws; and, implementing electronic financial management systems.

Fund Development/Marketing.  Sustain and develop resources and communication.  Activities might include creating a fundraising plan; developing a donor base; stewarding donors; developing a communication plan; and, establishing goals, timelines, and metrics to determine success.

Human Resources.  Develop and/or evaluate human resource policies and procedures.  Activities might include: creating job descriptions and employee/volunteer handbooks; developing compensation strategies and recruitment/onboarding policies; creating performance management and evaluation practices; implementing engagement strategies to maximize skills and increase performance; complying with state and federal laws; increasing diversity; team building; recruiting for leadership; and, improving communication.

Strategic Thinking.  Determine how the organization can advance its mission.  Activities might include defining the organization’s purpose, vision, and mission; crafting values; reviewing program priorities-especially with changes due to covid; establishing outcomes; allocating resources; determining key metrics; and, prioritizing action.

Nonprofits participating in the program will also receive a program activity stipend to fund recommended actions and technology identified through coaching.  The stipend can also be used for other capacity building activities that will strengthen the organization’s leadership and infrastructure.

Coaching participants will:

  • Work one-on-one with a coach assigned to the nonprofit by HandsOn NWNC to address one focus area identified by the nonprofit from the list above. Nonprofits are allowed to request coaching assistance in up to three areas.  Depending on the number of requests, organizations may be awarded coaching support in an area other than their first or second choice. Coaches and nonprofits will identify two deliverables to be achieved from the coaching engagement.
  • Create an action plan that identifies additional organizational capacity building activities.  The action plan will be shared with HandsOn NWNC to ensure alignment with the program’s focus on capacity building activities, recognizing that the nonprofit may update or revise its plans based on the changing needs of the organization.
  • Receive a program activity stipend of $15,000 to implement the goals/activities identified in their action plan.  The funds must be used for technical, leadership, and organizational development, and allows each nonprofit the flexibility to customize spending based on their organization’s unique capacity building.

Eligibility.  Priority will be given to organizations led by people of color and serving people of color.  Led by a person of color is defined as:  the ED identifies as a person of color or over 50% of your Board of Directors identify as people of color.  Nonprofits must have their 501(c)3 designation and be located in or primarily delivering programs/services to Forsyth County residents. Since the focus of the program is to assist smaller and grassroots nonprofits, organizations must have an average annual budget of $250,000 or less over the past three years.  Participants must also agree to the coaching, program activity stipend, and reporting requirements outlined in this description.  Current and previous participants in other stipend programs are ineligible.

Applicants will also be required to participate in a phone call with HandsOn NWNC to confirm readiness for this program.

Reporting.  Nonprofits must help identify, agree to, and work to achieve the deliverables for the focus area addressed through the coaching and complete an evaluation of their coaching experience.  This includes participating in meetings with the coach, and following through on work identified as this is not a consultancy.

Nonprofits must also submit an action plan that identifies how their program activity stipends will be spent, and report on whether those expenditures/activities have helped the organization fulfill its mission and serve its constituents more efficiently and effectively.  Testimonials demonstrating progress are encouraged.  No written reports will be completed; rather, Coaching participants will be contacted at regular intervals throughout the program to attend meetings or participate in phone calls with HandsOn NWNC to collect reporting information.  In addition to evaluating the overall program impact, the information collected will help build a database of resources for future nonprofits with similar needs and identify trends that guide the development of HandsOn NWNC’s capacity building work.

Apply here.  Applications are not open at this time.  Check this page later to find out when applications will be available for 2025.   This is a competitive program and space is limited.  Participating nonprofits will be selected by a committee and applicants will be notified whether or not they will participate.

For more information, contact the Program Director.