
Organizational Assessment

Evaluating an organization’s strengths and challenges is critical to planning strategically for the future.  An organizational assessment provides a “snapshot” of an organization’s health so that boards, staff, and stakeholders can make strategic decisions to help the organization effectively deliver programs and services. Organizational assessments:

  • Highlight organizational strengths and challenges in key governance and management areas
  • Recommend actions to strengthen these areas
  • Identify resources that can help with implementing the recommended actions

HandsOn NWNC uses the Impact Capacity Assessment Tool (iCAT) to help facilitate this process.  The iCAT is an anonymous online survey that collects information from invited stakeholders, leadership, key staff, and Board members on six, research-based organizational capacities: Leading, Learning, Managing, Overseeing, Planning, and Resource Generating. The iCAT automatically converts the survey information into an online report that summarizes the organization’s strengths and challenges, and makes recommendations for improvement.  The iCAT takes approximately 30 minutes per person to complete.  After completing the iCAT, the nonprofit will be paired with a consultant who will facilitate a 3-4 hour session to help the organization interpret the iCAT results, identify top priorities, and devise a plan for next steps.


The organization’s capacity to articulate a clear vision for the organization and incentivize everyone to achieve it. Includes:

  • Mission Leadership
  • Community Leadership

The organization’s capacity to collect, process and use information about its programs, operations and external environment, for the purpose of furthering the mission.  Includes:

  • Advocacy Success (if applicable)
  • Environmental Context
  • Organizational Capacity
  • Population Needs
  • Program Success
  • Staff Performance Assessment

The organization’s ability to utilize its human and financial resources in an efficient and effective manner.  Includes:

  • Staff (Deployment, Recruitment & Retention)
  • Volunteer (Engagement, Recruitment & Retention)
  • Program Implementation
  • Technology
  • Facilities (if applicable)
  • Community Collaborations

The organization’s ability to hold itself accountable financially and for the achievement of its impact.  Includes:

  • Financial
  • Implementation Accountability
  • Impact Accountability

The organization’s ability to effectively make decisions and plan for the future.  Includes:

  • Strategic Planning (if applicable)
  • Decision Making
Resource Generating

The ability of an organization to raise the funds and other resources that it needs to operate, as well as its ability to incentivize others to support the organization in doing so.  Includes:

  • Board & Staff Fundraising
  • Individual Donor & Grantmakers Support
  • Marketing
  • Partnerships

Cost. $225/organization.  For HandsOn NWNC Supporting Partners, the cost is $200/organization.  Applications are accepted throughout the year.  If you are unsure as to whether your organization is a Supporting Partner, please check Join/Give Now on our website.  One-half of the fee must be submitted with the application.  If payment is a barrier to this program, please contact us. While programs cannot be offered for free, we will work with your budget.

Apply here.

For more information, contact the Program Director.