ENGAGE the people and organizations that want to make a difference through a variety of programs and volunteer opportunities.
GetConnected an online volunteer matching tool accessed through our website that allows organizations to post volunteer service opportunities and provides volunteers the ability to search for opportunities.
Group/Employee Service Opportunities targets high-impact community service opportunities organized and managed for groups and businesses for short-term or one-day.
Monthly E-Newsletter The Nonprofit Connection contains valuable information concerning HandsOn NWNC programs and announcements.
Nonprofit Policy Conversations annual meeting that provides nonprofits with legislative updates and the opportunity to connect with local delegation members.
Sterling Volunteers only background check platform tailored to the specific needs of the nonprofit and service sector to make screening volunteers faster, easier, and less costly for nonprofits and volunteers themselves.
EQUIP our community to meet the challenges it faces by providing nonprofits with the resources they need to effectively, impactfully, and sustainably achieve their missions.
Governance & Management
Nonprofit Essentials are ten three-hour classes designed to increase the skills of nonprofit staff and board members in governance and operations.
Organizational Assessment identifies strengths and weaknesses in key management and governance areas to create a focused plan that prioritizes and addresses challenging issues.
Organizational Coaching provides funding and customized assistance in limited areas to help nonprofits address unique issues within their organization. Priority is given to nonprofits led by and serving a majority of people of color.
Service Enterprise is a national certification model that uses assessment, training, peer learning, and coaching to help nonprofits improve sustainability and growth by incorporating volunteers at all levels of the organization.
Volunteer Engagement Training Program six half-day modules that provide a comprehensive understanding of the components of a volunteer program. May include a seventh half-day session on Equitable Environments that helps ensure volunteer programs are equity-infused and welcoming to all.
Women’s Emerging Leaders ten-month program for mid-level female nonprofit staff and Executive Directors of new or emerging nonprofits, that combines Nonprofit Essentials classes with an intensive two-day workshop that includes peer learning, networking, and goal-setting.
Board Training
HandsOn Board Basics and Leadership Development half-day classes that develop and strengthen board member skills.
Project Blueprint Board Leadership Training five half-day training classes for people of color to prepare them to serve on nonprofit boards or board committees. Culminates in a Nonprofit Board Speed Dating event.
Chuck Kraft Scholarship full scholarship awarded annually to a staff or board member of a child or youth-centered nonprofit to attend the Nonprofit Essentials, Women’s Emerging Leaders, or Volunteer Engagement Training Programs. This scholarship will not be offered for 2023 and 2024.
Helping Hands Scholarship is a partial scholarship that pays for one-half the cost of an organization to participate in the Service Enterprise or Organizational Assessment program.
Consulting and Outsourcing
Individual Consultations with HandsOn staff to advise those who are considering starting a nonprofit.
INSPIRE our community by unlocking the potential of our neighbors and local organizations and celebrating the role that nonprofits and volunteers play in making our community a better place to live, work, and serve.
Daily Point of Light Award is a national award for exceptional volunteers who “spark change and improve the world.”
Forsyth County Governor’s Volunteer Service Awards spring event that recognizes and celebrates the work of outstanding volunteers in Forsyth County.
President’s Volunteer Service Awards recognizes volunteers who have achieved a certain required number of hours of service over 12 months – or cumulative hours throughout a lifetime.