Become A Partner of HandsOn NWNC
Join or Give
We welcome financial contributions from businesses and individuals at any level. Donations through our website or checks can be mailed to our physical address. Donations from individuals are fully tax-deductible, as allowed by law. Nonprofits can become or renew as a Supporting Partner here.
Consultant/Vendor Partners
Nonprofits often seek outside assistance to help them resolve problems. HandsOn NWNC is committed to building positive partnerships with well-qualified consultants and vendors in our region so that, together, we can strengthen nonprofits in northwestern North Carolina. In an effort to provide nonprofits with a list of reputable consultants/vendors, HandsOn NWNC requests that those interested in becoming a Consultant/Vendor Partner meet the following criteria:
- A minimum of three years of nonprofit experience (as staff or board member, volunteer, consultant, or vendor working with nonprofits.)
- A minimum of two years of recent experience in a nonprofit consulting/vendor capacity.
- Demonstrated skill in stated area(s) of practice.
By becoming a Consultant/Vendor Partner with HandsOn NWNC for $100 per year, you’ll receive a listing on our website for one year and a one-time notation of your information in our monthly e-newsletter which is sent to more than 700 nonprofit representatives in our six-county region (Forsyth, Davidson, Davie, Stokes, Surry and Yadkin Counties.) Consultant/Vendor Partners also have the option to offer a free information session to nonprofits within our network. To find out more about these sessions and the responsibilities of Consultants/Vendors and HandsOn NWNC, click here. If you’re interested in being on our Consultant/Vendor list, please complete this form.
Funding Partners
In addition to our Supporting Partners, HandsOn NWNC relies on institutional funders that invest in our mission and programming. These funders include: Forsyth County American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA.), The Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust, The Winston-Salem Foundation, VolunteerNC, and Wake Forest University’s Office of Civic and Community Engagement.
Supporting Partners (Nonprofits)
HandsOn NWNC invites nonprofits to financially support our mission to build their effectiveness and efficiency, and increase volunteerism. Becoming a Supporting Partner allows organizations to demonstrate the value they place on their relationship with HandsOn NWNC. In exchange, they receive a variety of annual benefits and privileges not available to other members of our network.
Certain core services, including the ability to list volunteer opportunities on our GetConnected volunteer portal and receive The Nonprofit Connection, are currently offered free of charge to all nonprofits.
Special opportunities for Supporting Partners include:
- Priority and/or discounted registration for workshops and first consideration for other training and technical assistance opportunities. Typically, Supporting Partners are eligible for over $800 in discounts. Since you can send multiple staff and board members to our events, your savings could be even larger!
- Exclusive opportunities to participate in Nonprofit Board Speed Dating sessions.
- Special marketing and other opportunities before they become available to our wider network of nonprofits.
- A customized list of service projects for your clients, members, or employees that meets your exact specifications, for FREE! (available upon request.)
- Ability to purchase blocks of consulting time for $350/ 8 hours or $50/hr, allowing you to engage staff expertise to directly help your organization (i.e. strategic planning, in-house board and staff training, etc.) provided at these reduced rates.
- The organization’s profile highlighted as the “featured nonprofit” and FREE event marketing in our volunteer newsletters.
The base level of support to become a Supporting Partner is only $50 per organization annually. We ask larger organizations to voluntarily give at a level more commensurate with their budget, as identified in the chart below:
Support Level |
Organization’s Budget Size |
$50 | <$300,000 |
$100 | $300,000 – $500,000 |
$150 | $501,000 – $750,000 |
$200 | $751,000 – $1 million |
$200/million of budget | $1M+ |
Current Supporting Partners:
18 Springs Community Healing Center
A Bed and A Book
Allegacy Federal Credit Union
Angelic Warrior Foundation
Asset Building Coalition of Forsyth County
a/perture cinema
BackPack Beginnings
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Children’s Law Center of Central NC
City of Winston-Salem Human Relations/DEI Department
City Lights Ministry
City with Dwelling
Clemmons Food Pantry
Community Care Center for Forsyth County, Inc
Community Design Sudio
Creative Aging Network-NC
Crossnore Communities for ChildrenCrisis Control Ministries
Disability Advocates of Northwest North Carolina
EAGLES of Grace, Inc
Family Services of Forsyth County
Farmington Community Association, Inc
Forsyth Backpack Program
Goodwill NWNC
Greater Winston-Salem Inc
Guilford Nonprofit Consortium
Habitat For Humanity of Forsyth County
HARRY Veterans Community Outreach Services, Inc.
Heart Math Tutoring
Humane Solution Spay-Neuter Program
Imprints Cares
Körner’s Folly Foundation
Lead Girls of NC
Leadership Winston-Salem
Lewisville-Clemmons Chamber of Commerce
Love CDC
Love Out Loud
Moji Coffee & More
Moravian Ministries Foundation in America
Mujer Valiosa Community
New Arrivals Institute
North Star LGBTQ Community Center
One Love Strong Foundation
Open Arms Community
Operation Xcel
Piedmont Animal Welfare Alliance
Piedmont Environmental Alliance
Piedmont Regional Association of Volunteer Administration
Pivot Ministry
Positive Wellness Alliance
Postpartum Resource Center of the Triad
Riverwood Therapeutic Riding Center
Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Piedmont Triad
Salem Pregnancy Care Center
Salemtowne Retirement Community
Samaritan Ministries
Sawtooth School for Visual Art
Second Harvest Food Bank of NWNC
SECU Family House
Senior Services
Shepherds Center of Kernersville
Solutions For Independence
Sunnyside Ministry
Team Rubicon
The Arts Council of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County
The Call-Center of the Arts for Legacy & Leadership
The Fellowship Home of Winston-Salem
The Parenting Path
The Shalom Project
The Winston-Salem Foundation
Tiny House Community Development
Triad Restorative Justice
Trinity Center
United Way of Greater Greensboro
Wake Forest University Office of Civic and Community Engagement
Well Spring Soutions
Winston-Salem Ambassadors
Winston-Salem Black Chamber
Winston-Salem Symphony
Worthy Women Ministries
Youth Life Skills Institute, Inc.