HandsOn Board Basics and Leadership Development
Board members play a critical role in the success of organizations. Strong, knowledgeable boards help organizations gain credibility, build financial resources by providing access to the community, and serve as advocates and ambassadors of the organization.
Board Basics is for individuals serving on the boards of current or emerging nonprofit organizations, boards experiencing difficulties in their effectiveness, and individuals considering joining a nonprofit board for the first time. Topics will include a review of 501(c)(3) laws and regulations, roles and responsibilities of board members, the purpose and content of By Laws, board governance, board/staff relationships, board policies, executive committee structure and responsibilities, attributes of quality boards, key benchmarks for effective boards, and other topics of interest as identified by workshop participants. This three hour class is offered in the fall.
Board Leadership Development is for board members who are in leadership positions or who are moving towards leadership roles on nonprofit boards as officers or committee chairs. Topics include a review of board officer roles and responsibilities, committee chair accountability, attributes of effective board and committee leaders, board policies, executive committee structure and responsibilities, key benchmarks for effective boards, a self-assessment leadership instrument, planning processes and tools, leading and conducting effective meetings, group communications, appraising board and committee effectiveness, and other topics of interest as identified by workshop participants. This three-hour class is offered in the spring.
For the greatest impact from this training, full boards or multiple board members from the same nonprofit are encouraged to attend. All classes are discussion based and are not recorded.
Cost: $60/person. The cost for HandsOn NWNC Supporting Partners is $50/person. If you are unsure as to whether your organization is a Supporting Partner, please check Join/Give Now on our website. Cost includes notebooks with extensive handouts. If payment is a barrier to this training, please contact us. While the class cannot be offered for free, we will work with your budget.
For the next class dates, check Upcoming Events.
- “Exceptional training to assist everyone at becoming an effective board member to leading a board. Exceptional resources.”
- “Many thanks for an authoritative point of view to help not-for-profits to move forward.”
- “I would like to recommend this to the ED of my organization. I think that our entire board will benefit.”
- “Must attend without a doubt; packed with information.”
- “Empowering, informative and engaging.”
For more information, contact the Program Director.