ENGAGE companies that want to mobilize their employees and resources to make a difference through a variety of programs and volunteer opportunities.
Do It Yourself Projects can be completed at home or wherever it is convenient for you.
GetConnected an online volunteer matching tool accessed through our website that allows organizations to post volunteer service opportunities and provides volunteers the ability to search for opportunities.
Managed Service Projects targeted, high-impact community service opportunities organized and managed for short-term or one-day events. HandsOn NWNC will identify nonprofits and projects that match your civic interests, work within your budget and scope; manage logistics including project coordination and administration; buy supplies; and, evaluate volunteer satisfaction. Projects can be conducted at a partner site (nonprofit/school) or onsite at your company, conference, or meeting location. Cost starts at $50 per person, depending on the activity.
Project Sourcing a customized list of service projects tailored to meet your goals and project criteria. HandsOn NWNC will generate a list of projects based on your organization’s focus area, date, time, age range, group size, budget, and other needs. This option can save significant time on the front end as you are guaranteed that every organization on the list has a project that would accommodate your criteria.
Custom packages create customized packages that include volunteering and/or training to match your interests and goals. Packages start at $500.
EQUIP corporate volunteers with the skills, tools, and relationships they need to be successful in their service efforts.
HandsOn Board Basics and Leadership Development classes that develop and strengthen board member skills.
Nonprofit Board Speed Dating facilitates matches between interested community volunteers and nonprofits seeking board and board committee members. Speed dating events can also be held to facilitate matches between skills-based volunteers and nonprofits.
Project Blueprint Board Leadership Training trains members of underrepresented populations to serve on nonprofit boards and committees.
INSPIRE our community by unlocking the potential of our neighbors and local organizations and celebrating the role that nonprofits and volunteers play in making our community a better place to live, work, and serve.
Daily Point of Light Award is a national award for exceptional volunteers who “spark change and improve the world.”
Forsyth County Governor’s Volunteer Service Awards spring event that recognizes and celebrates the work of outstanding volunteers in Forsyth County. This includes a corporate service award category.
President’s Volunteer Service Awards recognizes volunteers who have achieved a certain required number of hours of service over 12 months – or cumulative hours throughout a lifetime.